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1918 - The National Catholic War Council is established by the United States Catholic Bishops. 1923 - The Knights of Columbus (KC) established the Boy Life Bureau, with Brother Barnabas, FSC as the executive director. 1925 - The KC established the Columbian Squire for boys age 15-18 as a junior order. 1928 - While Cardinal Mudelein of Chicago had "explored the possibility of Scouting for his 'street kiddies,'" it was not until his newly consecrated auxiliary, Bishop Bernard J. Sheil took the reins, that Catholic Scouting came flourished in Chicago. 1930 - Bishop Sheil formed the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), using Scouting as its foundation. 1933 - The NCCM organized the Catholic Youth Bureau as a separate division of the NCWC to serve "as a clearing house for the collection and distribution of information regarding the aims, ideals, programs, and physical composition of youth organizations and movements; to encourage and to assist existing, approved organizations without supplanting them in any way." The director was Rev Vincent Mooney. *The CYO was reproduced in dioceses other than Chicago and Scouting was given a major emphasis in those dioceses. 1934 - The NCWC and the BSA enter into a "Plan of Cooperation" creating a Bishop's Committee on Scouting that would work with the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS). 1935 - The first National Clergy Youth Leaders' Conference was held at Notre Dame University. *Bishop John F. Noll (Ft. Wayne), chairman of the NCWC Department of Lay Organizations, held a meeting to discuss ways and means of extending Catholic youth organizations in the United States. Participants included: Archbishops Mitty and Rummel; Bishops Sheil, Hafey and Donahue; Rev. John Burke, and Rev Msgr. Michael Ready, NCWC general secretary and assistant, respectively; Rev Vincent Mooney, director NCCM Catholic Youth Bureau; and representatives from the NCCS, NCEA, NCCM, and the NCCW. 1937 - The NCWC Administrative Board, established the NCWC Catholic Youth Bureau, which took over the functions of the NCCM Catholic Youth Bureau. The director of this new office was Fr. Mooney. 1938 - The NCWC adopted a resolution discontinuing the Bishop's Committee on Scouting and establishing, with the same personnel, an Episcopal Committee on Youth. *Working in collaboration with the Administrative Board, NCWC, the Episcopal Committee on Youth was empowered to set up a National Catholic Youth Council (NCYC) with the director of the NCWC Catholic Youth Bureau serving as executive secretary. 1940 - Cardinal Pizzardo, President of the Central Office of Catholic Action, sent a letter to the US Bishops expressing his desire that the numerous groups of US Catholic youth be united in a "National Catholic Youth Council . . . in order better to promote Christian ideals and better safeguard the young from the many pitfalls they encounter." The NCWC Youth Department was to be responsible for promoting the NCYC, but it never got off the ground. *The NCWC Administrative Board established the NCWC Youth Department. The Most Rev John A Duffy of Buffalo was selected as the chairman with the Most Rev Richard Gerow of Natchez as his assistant. Bishops Sheil, Kelley and Muench served as advisors to Bishop Duffy on the CYO, Scouting, and Rural Youth Problems, respectively. *The first Annual Diocesan Youth Directors' Conference was held in New Orleans. This Conference preceded the 7th Annual Diocesan Scout Chaplains' Conference. 1941 - Archbishop Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the US, sent a letter to the US diocesan youth directors which has since been referred to as the "Magna Carta for Youth." The main recommendation of his letter was that the numerous youth groups, combined with the size of the US, required a greater need for coordination. However, he specifically stressed "coordination . . . not unification or exaggerated centralization." *Archbishop Cushing succeeded Bishop Duffy as Episcopal Chairman of the Youth Department, NCWC. Cushing asked Bishop Gerow to be his assistant chairman. 1945 - Rev Charles E. Bermingham was named as the director of the NCWC Youth Department, succeeding Rev. Paul F. Tanner, who was appointed assistant general secretary, NCWC. 1947 - The first National Conference on Catholic Youth Work was held in Cleveland. The 9th Annual Conference of Diocesan Scout Chaplains was held at the same time and place. 1951 - The first National Council of Catholic Youth (NCCY) convention was held in conjunction with the 3rd National Catholic Youth Conference in Cincinnati. *Archbishop Mitty, episcopal chairman, NCWC Youth Department, appointed Regional Youth Directors, who formed Regional Councils of Catholic Youth. They in turn formed the National Federation of Diocesan Catholic Youth Councils (NFDCYC) *The National Catholic Camping Association (NCCA) was formed. *The first National CYO Week was opened on the Feast of Christ the King. This was initiated by the NCWC Youth Department director, Msgr. Joseph Schieder. Thereafter it was called the National Catholic Youth Week. 1954 - The first Annual Catholic Youth National Communion Sunday was held on the Feast of Christ the King with more than 3 million participants. This same day also marked the opening of the Annual National Holy Communion Crusade of Catholic Youth and both occurred at the opening of the National of National Catholic Youth Week. 1961 - The National Catholic Youth Organization Federation (NCYOF) was established. 1966 - The NCWC was restructured into two organizations, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCC). 1967 - The Rev Msgr. Thomas Leonard succeeded Msgr. Stevenson as became the Director of the Youth Department, Department of Education of the USCC. 1968 - Bishop Connare was named the moderator of the Youth Department, USCC. 1972 - The NCCB document To Teach as Jesus Did is the first official US Catholic publication to use the term "Youth Ministry." *The National Conference of Catholics in Youth Serving Agencies (NCCYSA) was renamed the National Conference on Catholic Youth Work (NCCYW). 1974 - The NCCYW became the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM). *Rev. Rudy Beranek became the Director of the Youth Department, Department of Education of the USCC. 1975 - The USCC's Advisory Board for Youth Activities commissioned a paper on total youth ministry, which eventually became A Vision of Youth Ministry document, published in 1976. 1978 - Marisa Guerin became the Director of the Youth Department, Department of Education of the USCC. 1979 - The USCC Advisory Board for Youth Activities commissioned a paper on adolescent catechesis. 1981 - John Farnsworth became the Director of the Youth Department, Department of Education of the USCC. 1982 - The NCYOF was dissolved and the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) was established, with Maggie Wilson Brown as the new Executive Director. *The first National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) was held. 1983 - Bishop Daniel F. Walsh was appointed the NFCYM's Episcopal Moderator. 1984 - Sr. Faith Mauro, RSM, is named the Representative for Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Department of Eduation, USCC, replacing John Farnsworth. 1986 - The NFCYM published The Challenge of Adolescent Catechesis: Maturing in Faith, which was the paper the USCC Advisory Board for Youth Activities had commissioned but never published. 1987 - James Knowles became the NFCYM's Executive Director. *Bishop Robert J. Carlson became the Episcopal Moderator for the NFCYM. 1988 - The NCCB hires Paul K. Henderson to be Special Assistant for Youth and Young Adults in the NCCB's Secretariat for Laity and Family. 1989 - The NFCYM formed the the National Foundation for Catholic Youth. 1990 - The NFCYM developed competency-based standards for the position of coordinator of youth ministry for parishes. 1991 - The NFCYM held its first National Youth Congress. *The Rev. Leonard Wenke became the NFCYM's Executive Director. *The NCCB's Secretariat for Laity and Family changes its name to the Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth. 1992 - Bishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap. was appointed the Episcopal Moderator for the NFCYM. 1993 - World Youth Day is held in Denver, CO. 1995 - Bishop Patrick J. McGrath was appointed the Episcopal Moderator for the NFCYM. 1997 - Robert J. McCarty became the NFCYM's Executive Director. *The NCCB/USCC publishes Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. 1998 - Bishop Matthew Clark was appointed the Episcopal Moderator for the NFCYM. 2001 - The NCCB and the USCC were combined to form the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The USCCB will continue all of the work formerly done by the NCCB and the USCC with the same staff. |